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Start / The exploitation of man by man




transportando ladrillos The basis of human coexistence is found in human respect, if the human being is not respected, life becomes a battle between the aggressor and the humiliated that make life a real misfortune. It is not respecting one's neighbor to attack him, submit it, exploit him at work, impoverish him or deprive him of basic needs, however, our civilization is organized in a lack of respect for the population on the part of the enriched classes.


The world of productive and commercial work is carried out to cover the needs of the entire population, if it is organized by private owners and a private economy, the population is subject to their private interests.


That the population lives subject to private interests is EXPLOITATION OF MAN BY MAN and is a form of slavery, which although it is not the slavery of past centuries, is still slavery.


The form that a society should take where this condition of exploitation is eliminated, is to organize production and its marketing from a department destined exclusively for this, in such a way that, valuing the current entrepreneur as the organizer and investor of the company and in common agreement with him, all are workers according to their professional category, including the employer.


This current anarchic and private way of organizing the world of work is an unacceptable abuse against the population and is the cause of 1/3 of the population (2.6 billion) living in poverty, 1 billion in extreme poverty, and 900 million suffering from hunger, 1.8 billion do not have adequate housing, 15 million have to live off what they can collect in public landfills, 50% of the active population is in a precarious job situation and an endless number of other situations.


And yet the richest 1% continue to accumulate more wealth than the rest of humanity.


This situation of exploitation of man by man is considered socially normal or admissible and not as inhuman or degrading treatment, when it is a situation of humiliating slavery that apparently intends to go unnoticed.


There are other inadmissible situations such as the fact that there is no security either in the workplace or in the continuity of the company or business, because the work depends on the will of the employer, but all together depend on the profitability of the company and this on the chance of the market. 



cargando espumaThe need for the company to be profitable and the desire of the employer to get rich, force the worker to work faster and to work more hours than the established ones, with the damages and risks that this entails for the worker as in transport and construction companies.


Since the world of work is organized by the wealth of the rich and powerful businessmen (when they decide to invest), a large sector of the population is left without work because all the jobs that the businessman needs are already covered and therefore It will not take on more workers because it is not profitable. The sector that is excluded from private enterprise has to manage with few subsidies or jobs in “B”. The employer has no obligation to resolve this exclusion of the worker.


Work is the activity to which we dedicate most of our lives and it is what allows us to obtain the salary with which we can cover our needs. That is why it has to be organized in such a way that it is as pleasant as possible and with the necessary time dedicated to it, but it does not have to be subject to private interests with exploitation, servitude or slavery, making it a nightmare for many.


There are some opinions that say that it is necessary for production and marketing to be organized by rich businessmen and poor workers so that it can work well, because if this were not the case, no one wanted to work in jobs that were not so pleasant or less paid. This is an attempt to justify the abuse of current power, because organizing professional activity, each occupying the job that their merits and intelligence grant them and what production demands, is possible, it is enough to carry out exhaustive control of the companies, the jobs and the qualities and situations of each worker.


Whether a productive and commercial society is organized by the private sector or by agreements between the administration and the current businessman is only a matter of will. Are public companies not working? My knowledge is that it works perfectly. If the entrepreneur who owns the company becomes the entrepreneur-manager of a company with agreements with the administration, can he not be equally effective? It is therefore a matter of will, however, the population is no longer subject to the wealth of the rich. The population earns a lot.


Nor should organizational changes be made that negatively interfere with the production and quality of what is produced and marketed today, but rather by making agreements with the current businessmen, on the one hand, the company will have support and guarantee from the administration and on the other hand guarantee the worker his job without the current exploitation by the employer.


Life is already full of difficulties so that on top of that you have to live it being someone else's subordinate. The civilized world must take this step towards coexistence without these abuses of power. 


The fact of living in this humiliating society is due to the fact that, although people have a way of being kind and respectful to others, we also have a way of being the opposite, such as feeling proud and superior by subjecting others to our decisions and our personal interests (servants, subordinates, workers).


Forced laborers produce some of the food we eat and the clothes we wear and clean some of the buildings in which many of us live or work.